October 11, 2022

How can a Project Developer get involved?

How can a Project Developer get involved?

At CLNK, we want to open the doors to as many project developers as possible. The first step for any established or prospective project developer is to submit a project application:

The project application will ask for some simple information to establish project location and aims. You will need to provide the project name, the methodology used and a brief description of the project and its goals.

You will also need a Polygon ‘wallet’ to receive your tons once they are issued. See guidance on setting up a wallet here.

We also strongly recommend that project developers provide supporting information, such as videos and photos, so that people can see what you are working on.

Once the application has been submitted, the proposal is brought forward to our community, review the supporting information and decide whether you would be a good fit within the CLNK ecosystem.

Upon approval, a number of options open up to project developers designed to support projects at various levels of completion:

  • Submitting ton claims (Established projects)
  • Ask for a project report (Established projects)
Options for project developers

Submitting ton claims

Once approved, a project developer can submit a ton claim –the final step in getting your tons issued. To make an application, you will need to provide 3 things:

These steps may seem unfamiliar at first, but we will soon provide a detailed guide to walk you through the process. We will also be releasing a guide for each specific methodology so that you can see whether your data matches the specification.

Once you’ve submitted your claim, it enters the arbitration window. This window typically lasts 30 days, but in the future, we will shorten that window substantially for established project developers. During this window, the data and information backing your claim will be assessed by the community to ensure the credits are of high integrity. This will include several checks to see if the data is unique, the data is plausible, and the calculated number of tons are correct.

Assuming these checks are passed, your tons will then be issued at the end of the window and your collateral will be unlocked again. You can choose to keep your collateral in for future claims, to save you effort. If a dispute is made against your ton claim, we will enter a process of dispute resolution – in which, the claim will be checked against the dispute in an open, verifiable way. Read more about this process here.

Project developers can choose to gradually engage with the on-chain carbon market, by choosing to create a percentage of your credits (e.g. 5%) on-chain, to see what benefits CLNK can bring to you.

Project Reports

If you are an established project developer, and don’t want to commit fully to CLNK yet, we offer a service to familiarise yourself with the platform. Rather than submitting a ton claim, you can ask for a project report, allowing you to compare your current approach against CLNK.

Simply submit sample data that has already been used to generate tons – we can plug this data into our system and generate a report detailing the number of tons we would have generated from this data. CLNK offers this service for free, allowing you to fully weigh up the options for your project.

Ultimately, we want to open the doors for more green projects and provide a connection between project developers and carbon credit buyers. If you have any questions about your project or CLNK, please feel free to reach out to us.

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