Our mission is to democratize climate action

Help support green projects, build the infrastructure for change and be rewarded.

Our story and mission

The team behind CLNK has been in this space for over four years.

We feel there is a gap, bringing 'trustless' carbon on chain, by that we mean using the fundamentals of web3 to ensure that the data behind every ton of carbon on chain can verified, checked and trusted.

Join our team

Our values & mantras that our work.

You can also read more on what drives us and is behind our work in our documentation.

Read our documentation
Open Source - Web3 X Webflow Template

Open Source

Open source software allows everyone to know how the code works, making it easier for collaborators to work with CLNK.

Transparent - Web3 X Webflow Template


There can be nothing more important than transparency in averting climate change. Being able to prove the efforts and actions of all involved are real and measurable.

Decentralized - Web3 X Webflow Template


Decetralization is key to ensuring that trust in one person or entity is not required.

Community Driven - Web3 X Webflow Template

Community driven

Our society is built upon communities, to bring us together, to advocate, comment, hold to account and support each other in the fight to overcome the greatest of threats to us all, climate change.

Our milestones

Our journey with our community starts here, we hope you'll be a part of it and help inform it along the way.

Join our community
100M Users - Web3 Webflow Template

Launch Discord

We believe our community will be key to our future, we want to hear from people within the ReFi space or new to it. You can join our discord here.

Raised Series B - Web3 X Webflow Template


We are raising funds, to help fund more of our plans!

Web3 Was Founded - Web3 X Webflow Template

Carbon tools platform opens

We intend to launch our first project using our Carbon tools bringing our first Native Carbon Credits on chain.

Join our team today

Keep an eye on our discord and here for more on upcoming jobs.